Download Development of a Quality Assurance Automatic Listening Machine (QuAALM)
This paper describes the development and application of a machine listening system for the automated testing of implementation equivalence in music signal processing effects which contain a high level of randomized time variation. We describe a mathematical model of generalized randomization in audio effects and explore different representations of the effect’s data. We then propose a set of classifiers to reliably determine if two implementations of the same randomized audio effect are functionally equivalent. After testing these classifiers against each other and against a set of human listeners we find the best implementation and determine that it agrees with the judgment of human listeners with an F1-Score of 0.8696.
Download Model Bending: Teaching Circuit Models New Tricks
A technique is introduced for generating novel signal processing systems grounded in analog electronic circuits, called model bending. By applying the ideas behind circuit bending to models of nonlinear analog circuits it is possible to create novel nonlinear signal processors which mimic the behavior of analog electronics, but which are not possible to implement in the analog realm. The history of both circuit bending and circuit modeling is discussed, as well as a theoretical basis for how these approaches can complement each other. Potential pitfalls to the practical application of model bending are highlighted and suggested solutions to those problems are provided, with examples.